Amazon Is Developing A Smart Emotion-detecting Wearable

Amazon is reportedly working on a wrist-worn gadget that’s equipped to discover your emotional condition. The device would finally be able to give suggestions on how to better interact with other people, according to internal records.

This comes on the heels of a patent issued for your business designed to let Alexa determine a speaker’s mood and respond accordingly according to how they are feeling. That is a reasonably broad range of effects for an intelligent assistant.

The company detailed a method in a 2017 patent that utilizes routine vocal analysis to determine someone’s psychological condition, which could then be employed to tailor suggestions as required (for instance, a chicken soup if you are sniffling when you tell Alexa you’re hungry). The wristband is said to use that tech, as well as a system that separates somebody’s voice from background noise.

Amazon’s tight-lipped about the matter and the anonymous people who’ve been talking the apparatus haven’t offered any info on potential period. All we do know for sure is that Amazon’s trying for Alexa on as diverse an array of products as possible, and this certainly qualifies as that.

Nonetheless, it remains to be seen whether people would take a device that would track our mood. The retail giant has supported workers listen to some Alexa recordings to help improve the helper, while there may be other privacy concerns.

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